
  • af00012b92d74315b6a0a91c703894e4
  • House
  • Leased
  • 2
  • 1
  • Now
  • $2,320


Attention Horse Owners - 2 Bedroom Home in Central Location
This property is the perfect place to live and play with the equine members of your family fully catered for - Including several day paddocks for preparation and larger paddocks, you will be able to keep your horses close by and not have to worry about them as they will be safe and secure in the electric fenced yards.

The brand new cabin is loaded with charm and warmth – including 2 bedrooms with built – in robes, lovely new bathroom and the open plan lounge, dining and kitchen with gas / electric cooking and dishwasher.

Enjoy your mornings with a lazy breakfast on the deck overlooking the rolling green paddocks and lush bushlands. Right in the middle between Proserpine & Cannonvale, this country style property is one not be missed.

Contact TAYLORS Property Specialists today to arrange your inspection of this beautiful bush retreat.

Enquiry Form